Now here please readers avoid at least one of the goals of these permanent harassments: don't let you divert from the issue and from the solution I proposed above on 11:47 GMT in « Set "Selected text colour" to "lime" » (and to which BTW none brought so far a better or matching alternative or any improvement e.g. Now yes, despite what I had noticed then ("but I instantly dropped any hope of any fruitful exchange", 13:47 GMT), I was fool enough to try again to help this year. As you can see (despite the thread is, probably not inadvertently, botched, with some messages hidden or removed, others unthreaded yet shuffled), I came friendly and helpfully and was very badly received, with no apparent or told reason, hence (given none else is plausible) for politico-racial reasons. Please readers, either ignore it, or see it *in context*.
Don HO 22:49 GMT linked an isolated message.